Adish Aghayev was born on 10 March 1939. In 1957, he entered Baku State University, Faculty of Chemistry, graduating in 1963. He began his working career at BSU, where he rose through the ranks from a laboratory assistant to a professor at the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry.
In 1971, he defended a PhD and in 1990 a ScD thesis. In 1991, he obtained professorship in inorganic chemistry. Adish Aghayev spent from 1974 to 1978 in Algeria, where he gave lectures and laboratory classes and also published four textbooks and education handbooks at the University of Annaba.
His major research fields included synthesis of chalcogenides of 1st, 2nd group d-elements and 3rd group p-elements with the participation of lanthanides. He researched widely into triple compounds, for the first time getting their monocrystals.
He published 150 papers, including 12 monographs. Adish Aghayev was the holder of six authorship certificates, a textbook and a methodological handbook. Adish Aghayev supervised three PhD students to completion.
He addressed international conferences and symposia in CIS countries, Algeria and the Czech Republic.
He was academic secretary of the Centralized Research and Methodological Council on Chemistry under the Ministry of Education, and the Specialized Scientific Council on Academic Degrees under BSU.