Professor Ibrahim Mamedov was elected the head of the department, and Ofelia Javadova was the teacher of the department. G.M. Askerova, a scientific worker of the Scientific Researching Laboratory (SRL) "Chemistry of alkenyl phenols" at the department, presented a dissertation for the defense of the degree PhD in chemistry.
At the department meetings of Oil chemistry and chemical technology are discuss scientific and methodological, educational, distance education, etc. problems.
Department of "Oil Chemistry" (now the department of "Oil chemistry and chemical technology" was established in 1943 on the initiative of a famous scientist, academician Y.H. Mamedaliev. The department was headed by academicians Y.H Mamedaliev (1943-1959 ), prof. Sh.T. Akhmedov (1959-1965), prof. J.E. Huseynov (1965-1967), associate professor A.I.Dzhabbarov (1967-1971), prof. A.G. Agaev (1971- 1978), associate professor M.R.Bayramov (1978-1984), prof. V.M. Akhmedov (1984-1987), (1988-2019) prof.M.R.Bayramov. Since 2019, the department is headed prof. I.G. Mamedov.
Currently, the staff of the department is professors Ibrahim Garib Mamedov, Musa Rza Bayramov, Gasim Zulfali Huseynov, associate professors Shargiya Zeynal Gasimova, Rahila Ashraf Huseynova, Natik Yusif Zeynalov, Gulnara Musa Hasanova, senior laboratory assistants Brilliant Hashim Hashimova, Pakiza Haib Asadova, PhD in chemistry Nargiz Valiaddin Azimova and PhD in chemistry Yegana Vagif Mamedova.
Under the leadership of academician Yusif Mammadaliev, the department carried out valuable industrial works in the field of alkylation of benzene with pyrolysis gases and obtained high-quality aviation gasoline. His research in this area was awarded the “Stalin” prize and he was awarded the order of “Lenin”.
In the modern history of the department, a new generation of unsaturated phenol-formaldehyde oligomers was obtained at the Experimental production plant, at the Institute of Petrochemical Processes. On the basis of these oligomers, the VK-50 glue was obtained, together with a group of the former All-Union Institute of Aviation Materials, and used in aviation.
At the department under the leadership of professor I.G. Mamedov, is carried out obtaining of biodiesel from biomass, various fuel mixtures, high-octane components based on a by-product of glycerin in this process, as well as chalcones, flavones, pyrazoles, isoxazoles based on phenols, which can be used for therapeutic purposes of cancer, diabetes, blood diseases, etc. Another direction is studying various solutions by the NMR method.
Under the leadership of professor M.R. Bayramov, is carried out the synthesis of polyfunctional monomers of practical importance, a new generation of unsaturated phenol-formaldehyde oligomers, various additives, corrosion inhibitors, polymer sorbents for capturing heavy radionuclides.
On the initiative of professor G.Z. Huseynov, scientific research is carried out in the field of lubricants, additives that improve the quality of fuel, as well as corrosion inhibitors.
Also in the history of the department, it is important to note the works of professor M.M. Hadzhiev in the field of studying the reaction of esters and the synthesis of new pesticides, flotation reagents, and inhibitors based on the products obtained.
The staff of the department has published more than 20 textbooks, tutorials, monographs, guidelines, more than 700 scientific articles, are authors of more than 100 copyright certificates, and 30 patents. With the participation of the department staff, 7 textbooks and 5 tutorials were published. The department also worked on the training of specialists from foreign countries, 7 foreign citizens received academic degrees.
In 1991, “Chemistry of alkenylphenols and carbonyl compounds” (now “Chemistry of alkenylphenols”) a SRL was established at the department. The staff of the laboratory is professor Musa Rza Bayramov (head), associate professors Mahira Aybala Agayeva, Misir Ahmad Javadov, PhD in chemistry Gunay Muzakir Mehdiyeva, scientific researchers Irada Mais Shikhaliyeva and Gullu Muraz Askerova.
On the basis of scientific results of SRL, 2 people defended their doctoral and 6 people candidate's (PhD in chemistry) dissertations, published 2 monographs, more than 100 scientific articles, more than 20 patents were received.
The staff of the department:
1. Mamedov Ibrahim Garib- head of the department, doctor of chemistry, professor (1,0)
2. Bayramov Musa Rza- doctor of chemistry, professor (0.5)
3. Huseynov Gasim Zulfali- doctor of chemistry, professor (1.0)
4. Gasimova Shargiya Zeynal- PhD, associate professor (1,0)
5. Huseynova Rahila Ashraf- PhD, associate professor (1,0)
6. Zeynalov Natig Yusif- PhD, associate professor (1,0)
7. Hasanova Gulnara Musa- PhD, associate professor (1,0)
8. Javadova Ofelia Nazim- PhD, teacher (0.5)
Scientific directions and projects
Scientific direction |
Scientific research or project name |
Head and executors of work |
The contact person |
Oil chemistry and petrochemical synthesis |
Production of biodiesel and fuel components using new catalytic systems. |
I.G. Mamedov O.N. Javadova N.V. Azimova |
O.N. Javadova
“________”_________” |
Synthesis and investigation of new biologically active compounds based on chalcones. |
I.G. Mamedov Y.V. Mamedova Sh.Z. Gasimova Р.А. Гусейнова |
Y.V. Mamedova
“________”_________” |
Synthesis and investigation of new types of nitrogen-containing derivatives of 2-allylphenol and products of their transformation. |
M.R. Bayramov G.M. Hasanova |
G.M. Hasanova |
“________”_________” |
Synthesis of organosulfur compounds with functional groups and researching as an additive to petroleum products. |
G.Z. Huseynov |
G.Z. Huseynov |
“________”_________” |
Modeling of new technology for the use of the C3-C4 fraction of catalytic cracking. |
N.Y.Zeynalov |
N.Y.Zeynalov |
Scientific publications
1. F.N.Naghiyev, J.Cisterna, A.N.Khalilov, A.M.Maharramov, R.K.Askerov, İ.Q.Məmmədov, K.A.Asadov, K.S.Salmanli, A.Cárdenas,I. Brito. Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of acetoacetanilide based reaction products. Molecules, 2020, 25, 2235, p. 1-13
2. F.N.Naghiyev, A.M.Maharramov, O.Uwangue, A.Farewell, P.Sunnerhagenb, M.Erdelyi. Antibacterial activity of 2-amino-3-cyanopyridine derivatives. Mendeleev Communications, 2020, 30, 498-499
3. F.N.Naghiyev, Kh.A.Asadov, P.V.Dorovatovskii, V.N.Khrustalev, A.M.Maharramov. Synthesis of functionalized bicyclic compounds based on 2-(1-arylethylidene)malononitriles, Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2020, 55, p. 1967-1970
4. İ.G.Mamedov, İ.M.Shikhaliyeva, Y.V.Mamedova, S.G.Abdurahmanl, A.M.Maharramov. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of thiosemicarbazone, pyrazole, indole, cyclohexanol derivatives of 2-hydroxy-5-methyl- and 4-bromoacetophenones. İndian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 58B, p. 930-934
5. A.M.Maharramov, F.N.Naghiyev, G.Z.Mamedova, Kh.A.Asadov, İ.G.Mamedov. Synthesis of spiroindolines on the basis of isatylidene malononitrile. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018, 54 (11), p. 1731-1734
6. F.N. Naghiyev, A.R. Asgarova, N.G. Shikhaliev, G.Z. Mammadova, E.Z. Guseynov, İ.G. Mamedov. Synthesis of the polar double bonded compounds. New Materials, Compounds and Applications, 2018, 2, (3), p. 243-246
7. İ.G.Mamedov, V.N.Khrustalev, P.V.Dorovatovskii, F.N.Naghyiev, A.M.Maharramov. Efficient synthesis of new tricyclic pyrano[3,2-c]pyridine derivatives. Mendeleev communications, 2019, 29, p. 232-233
8. F.N.Naghiyev, İ.G.Mamedov, V.N.Khrustalev, N.G.Shikhaliev, A.M.Maharramov. A new direction in the alkylation of 5-acetyl-2-amino-6-methyl-4-phenyl-4H-pyran-carbonitrile with active methylene reagents. Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2019, 66 (3), p. 253-256
9. A.M.Maharramov, F.N.Naghiyev, Kh.A.Asadov, İ.G.Mamedov. Rearrangement in the series of acetyltetrahydropyridine derivatives. Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2019, 55 (3), p. 451-455
10. Ф.Н.Нагиев, И.Г.Мамедов, Х.А.Асадов, П.В.Дороватовский, В.Н.Хрусталев, А.М.Магеррамов. Синтез функционализированных бициклических соединений на основе замещенных арилэтилиденмалононитрилов. Журнал Органической Химии, 2019, 55(12), с. 1933-1937
11. A.M.Maharramov, M.R.Bayramov, Y.Kh.Shakhverdiev, I.G.Mamedov, Z.M.Javadova, M.A.Javadov, Studying of quaternary salt of 2-allyl-4-isooctyl-6-piperidinomethylphenol as corrosion inhibitor in water-salt and hydrocarbon media. Russian Journa of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, 11, p. 2163-2166
12. Г.М.Аскарова, М.А.Агаева, Ш.Я.Айдынова, Р.А.Гусейнова, Г.М.Гасанова. Продукты кватернизации 1-бромпропилокси-2-амино-метилфенолов в качестве ингибиторов коррозии. Научно-технологический журнал «Технологии нефти и газа», 2019, 5(124), с.26-29
13. М.Р.Байрамов, Ф.М.Велиева, Н.Ю.Зейналов, М.А.Агаева, М.А.Джавадов, Г.М.Гасанова, О.Н.Джавадова, Р.А.Гусейнова. Оптимизация процесса ради-кальной соолигомеризации стирола с аллиловым эфиром п-изопропенилфенола. Научно-технологический журнал «Технологии нефти и газа», №5(124), 2019, с.23-26
14. М.Р. Байрамов, Ф.М. Велиева, Н.Ю. Зейналов, М.А. Агаева, Г.М. Мехтиева,, Г.М. Гасанова, М.А. Джавадов. Моделирование процесса инициированного фосфорилирования 4-изопропенилфенола диметилфосфитом. Журнал «Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия», №7, с. 16-19, 2019
15. A.M.Maharramov, Y.V.Mamedova, M.R.Bayramov, İ.Q.Məmmədov. Chalcone derivatives as corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in brine-kerosene solution. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2018, 92 (11), p. 2154-2158
16. A.E.Farzaliyeva, Y.V.Mamedova, N.N.Hasanova, M.R.Bayramov, A.M.Maharramov. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of some hydroxyacetophenone derivatives. İndian Journal of Chemistry, 57B, p. 1310-1314
17. F.N.Naghiyev, A.M.Maharramov, İ.M. Akhmedov, K.A. Asadov, A.N. Khalilov, A.V.Gurbanov, G.Z.Mammadova, A.R.Asgarova, E.Z.Guseynov, İ.G.Mamedov. One-pot synthesis of substituted imino- and imidazopyridines under catalyst-free conditions. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018, 50 (4), p. 118-124
18. A.M.Maharramov, M.A.Ramazanov, G.A.Guliyeva, A.E.Huseynzada, U.A. Hasanova, N.G.Shikhaliyev, İ.G.Mamedov, G.M. Eyvazova, S.F. Hajiyeva, M.M. Aghayev. Synthesis, investigation of the new derivatives of dihydropyrimidines and determination of their biological activity. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017, 1141 p. 39-43
19. İ.G.Mamedov, Y.V.Mamedova, V.N.Khrustalev, M.R.Bayramov, A.M.Maharramov. Dependence of biological activities of some chalcone derivatives from the molecular structure calculations. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 56B, p. 192-196
20.F.N.Naghiyev, A.V.Gurbanov, A.M.Maharramov, İ.G.Mamedov, M.A.Allahverdiyev, K.T.Mahmudov. One-pot insertion of chalcones into the benzoylacetone backbone. İranian Journal of Chemical Society, 2016, 13, p.1-6
21. İ.G.Mamedov, R.Abbasoglu, M.R.Bayramov, A.M.Maharramov. Synthesis of a new 1,2,3,4,5-pentasubstituted cyclohexanol and determination its stereochemistry by NMR spectroscopy and quantum-chemical calculations. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2016, 54, p. 315-319
22. А.М.Магеррамов, М.Р.Байрамов, М.А.Агаева, Г.М.Мехтиева, И.Г.Мамедов. Алкенилфенолы: получение, превращения и применение. Успехи Химии, 2015, №12, с. 1258-1278
23. I.G.Mamedov, M.R.Bayramov, Y.V.Mamedova, A.M.Maharramov. New synthesis on the basis 2-allyloxy chalcone and NMR studies its some derivatives. Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 2015, №53, s. 147-153
24. I.G. Mamedov, M.R. Bayramov, A.M. Maharramov. NMR studies of some 4-hydroxy-2-methylacetophenone thiosemicarbazones in solutions. Indian Journal of Chemistry, 2015, 54B, p. 1518-1527
25. A.M.Магеррамов, М.Р.Байрамов, М.А.Агаева, Г.М.Мехтиева, Г.М.Гасанова, Ш.Б.Хосеинзаде. Пиридиниевые соли на основе алкенилфенолов в качестве ингибиторов сероводородной коррозии и реагентов для подавления роста сульфатвосстанавливающих бактерий (СВБ) при нефтедобыче. Нефтехимия, 2015, том 55, №3, с. 260-264
Textbooks, tutorials and monographs
1. M.R.Bayramov, M.R.Mirzəyeva, M.M.Hacıyev. Neft kimyasından təcrübə məşğələləri (dərs vəsaiti) / Bakı, BDU- nun nəşriyyatı, 2000
2. A.M.Məhərrəmov, M.R.Bayramov. Neft kimyası və neft kimyəvi sintez (ali məktəblər üçün dərslik) / Bakı, Çaşıoğlu nəşriyyatı, 2003, 562 s.
3. S.H.Hacıyeva, M.R.Bayramov, Ş.Z.Qasımova. Ekologiyanın əsasları və təbiətin mühafizəsi (dərslik) / Kür nəşriyyatı, 2004, 169 s.
4. A.M.Məhərrəmov, M.R.Bayramov. Neft kimyası və neft-kimyəvi sintez (ali məktəblər üçün dərslik) / Bakı, BDU-nun nəşriyyatı, 2006, 604 s.,( 2-ci nəşri)
5. M.R.Bayramov, M.M.Hacıyev, M.R.Mirzəyeva, İ.Q.Məmmədov. Neft kimyası və neft-kimyəvi sintezdən praktikum (dərs vəsaiti) / Bakı, BDU-nun nəşriyyatı, 2007, 359 s.
6. A.M.Məhərrəmov. M.R.Bayramov, İ.Q.Məmmədov. Nüvə maqnit rezonansı spektroskopiyasında müasir metodlar (dərs vəsaiti) / BDU-nun nəşriyyatı, 2006, 140 s.
7. М.М.Гаджиев, М..Байрамов. Технология органических веществ (учебное пособие) / Баку, изд. БГУ, 1998, 140 с.
8. А.М.Магеррамов, М.Р.Байрамов. Химия алкенилфенолов (монография) /Баку, изд. БГУ, 2002, 246 с.
9. М.М.Гаджиев, М.Р.Байрамов. Технология органических веществ (Учебное пособие для ВУЗ-ов), BDU-nun nəşriyyatı, 2006, 2-ci nəşri
10. A.M.Məhərrəmov, R.A. Əhmədova, N.F.Əhmədova. Химия нефти и нефте переработки, Баку, 2010, 660 с.
11. A.M.Məhərrəmov. M.R.Bayramov, İ.Q.Məmmədov. Ümumi kimya texnologiyası, Bakı, 2011, 310 s.
12. A.M.Məhərrəmov, M.R.Bayramov, İ.Q.Məmmədov, G.M.Bayramova. Karbohidrogen xammalının kimyəvi emalı (ali məktəblər üçün dərslik), Bakı, Çaşıoğlu nəşriyyatı, 2012, 260 s.
13. A.M.Məhərrəmov, M.R.Bayramov. Neft kimyası və neft kimyəvi sintez (ali məktəblər üçün dərslik), Bakı, Çaşıoğlu nəşriyyatı, 2012, 458 s.
14. A.M.Məhərrəmov, M.R.Bayramov, İ.Q.Məmmədov, B.Ə.Hüseynova, Ş.Z.Qasımova, G.M.Həsənova. Neftin heteroatomlu birləşmələri (ali məktəblər üçün dərs vəsaiti). Bakı Universiteti nəşriyyatı, 2015, 248 s.
15. А.М.Магеррамов, М.Р.Байрамов. Химия алкенилфенолов (monoqrafiya), Moskva, Texnosfera, 2018, 345 s.
16. A.M.Maharramov, İ.G.Mamedov, M.R.Bayramov. Dyanamic NMR spectroscopy, Moskva, Texnosfera, 2018, 266 s.
17. M.R.Bayramov, M.M.Hacıyev, M.R.Mirzəyeva, İ.Q.Məmmədov. Neft kimyası və neft-kimyəvi sintezdən praktikum (dərs vəsaiti), Bakı, BDU-nun nəşriyyatı, 2018, 360 s.
Academic mobility and internships
The teaching staff of the department participates in planned internships, as well as in courses of academic mobility.
№ |
Surname, name, patronymic |
Topic name |
Place and period of training |
The name of the organization in which the training took place |
Number of hours |
Completion form |
I.G. Mamedov |
Modern possibilities of NMR spectroscopy in organic chemistry and petrochemistry |
Baku, 01.11.18-01.12.18 |
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences |
176 |
Certificate |
Sh.Z. Gasimova |
Environmental problems of thermocatalytic processes |
Baku, 25.11.16-25.12.16 |
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences |
176- |
R.A. Huseynova |
Environmental problems of chemical technological processes |
25.11.16-25.12.16 |
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences |
176- |
N.Y.Zeynalov |
Simulation of chemical technological processes |
Baku, 25.11.16-25.12.16 |
Национальная академия наук Азербайджана |
176- |
G.M. Hasanova |
Modeling of polyfunctional compounds based on alkenylphenols as additives |
Baku, 01.11.18-01.12.18 |
Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences |
-176 |
O. N. Javadova |
Compilation of syllabuses in the educational process |
Baku, 05.04.-05.05-2018 |
Baku State University |
66 |
Certificate |
International level |
1 |
I.G. Mamedov |
Basic NMR methods training course |
Moscow, Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry RAS |
June5-15, 2013 |
Social educational work
The teaching staff of the department is working on educating the younger generation, attracting to scientific research, as well as social education on the topics of statehood and patriotism.
2. Regulations on the department
4. Development strategy of the department
Topics of master's theses
Specialty - Oil Chemistry
1. Some syntheses based on salicylic aldehyde and the study of synthesis products.
2. Synthesis technically important substances based on 2-alkenylphenols.
3. Synthesis of 3-alkoxymethyl-1,3-oxase of cycloalkanes and study of their biological activity.
Specialty - Oil Chemistry
1. Synthesis and investigation of some nitrogen-containing derivatives based on aromatic aldehydes.
2. Synthesis and investigation of polyfunctional compounds based on p-cresol.
3. Synthesis and investigation of biologically active substances based on ethers of functionally substituted phenolic compounds.
Specialty - Oil Chemistry
1. Synthesis and investigation of heteroatom-containing compounds of p-isopropenylphenol.
2. Synthesis and investigation of sorbents based on unsaturated phenol-formaldehyde oligomers.
3. Synthesis and investigation the biological properties of cycloalkanes of 3-alkoxymethyl-1,3- oxase.
4. Syntheses based on isatin and studying of reaction products.
5. Synthesis and investigation of pyrazole derivatives.
Специальность – Химия нефти
1. Synthesis of ketones with an ester group and a sulfur atom in the molecule and researching as an additive to lubricants.
2. Synthesis of polyfunctional compounds by multicomponent condensation of some aromatic ketones and aldehydes.
3. Synthesis and investigation of heterocyclic compounds based on 2-alylphenol.
4. Synthesis and investigation of heterocyclic compounds based on 2-propenylphenol.
5. Production of biodiesel, studying its properties as an alternative fuel.
6. Synthesis of oxygen-containing components based on renewable raw materials and studying of their properties.
7. Studying of reactions of 4-aminophenol and symmetric dibromoalkanes.
Specialty - Petroleum refining technology (Petroleum engineering)
1. Modeling the technology for the production of ethyl 3-butyl ether.
Photo gallery
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Life of the department
- teaching and educational work of the teaching staff of the department for students in undergraduate and graduate programs;
- carrying out scientific works on accordance with the plan;
- involving students to scientific research;
- participation in the social life of the university and faculty;
- anniversary events of the staff of the department;
- other social and cultural events.
Scientific discoveries
The scientific direction of the department of Oil chemistry and chemical technology, founded in 1943, was oil chemistry, petrochemical synthesis, and chemical technology. The staff of the department working in these areas made many scientific discoveries, the results presented at international conferences, published in prestigious journals, and reflected in foreign and domestic patents.
Achievements and awards of the department
Since the creation of the department of Oil chemistry and chemical technology, has participated in internal and national competitions, has repeatedly won in the nominations of the “Department of the Year”, “Head of the department of the Year”, “Scientist of Year”, etc.
From 2014 to 2019, the staff awards are as follows:
1. By order of the Ministry of Education of the AR, professor I.G. Mamedov was awarded the Republican medal with the 100th anniversary of BSU in 2019.
2. By the order of the Ministry of Education of the AR, associate professor R.A. Huseynova was awarded the Republican medal with the 100th anniversary of BSU in 2019.
3. By the order of the Ministry of Education of the AR, associate professor Sh.Z. Gasimova was awarded the Republican medal with the 100th anniversary of BSU in 2019.
4. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan award the prof. M.R.Baramov with Honored Scientist, in 2014
5. The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan award the prof. G.Z. Huseynov with Honored Teacher, in 2014
6. Professor I.G. Mamedov was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education of the AR for his contribution to education in 2014.
Events calendar (infographic)
Scientific and practical events are regularly held at the department, teaching staff participate in international and republican conferences.
September 23-28, Moscow 2007: XVIII Mendeleev Congress on General and Applied Chemistry: M.R. Bayramov
September 23-28, Kazan 2007: Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application XI international conference: I.G. Mamedov
October 05-09, Kazan 2009: Actual problems of magnetic resonance and its application XII international conference: I.G. Mamedov
May 14-17, St. Petersburg 2014: All-Russian conference with international participation: I.G. Mamedov
10.14.19: Presentation of professor I.G. Mamedov on the topic "Spectroscopy of nuclear magnetic resonance - yesterday, today and tomorrow" for the staff and students, undergraduates, doctoral students specializing in the department.
11.12.19: Presentation of professor I.G. Mamedov "Non-traditional energy sources" for the staff and students, undergraduates, doctoral students specializing in the department.
13.08.20. Faculty seminar of professor I.G. Mamedov on the topic of "The role of the NMR method in organic and petrochemical synthesis."
Personnel training at the department
Specialty code |
Specialty |
duration of study |
degree |
bachelors degree |
050504 |
Chemistry |
4 |
bachelors degree |
050111 |
Chemistry teacher |
4 |
bachelors degree |
050641 |
Chemical engineering |
4 |
bachelors degree |
Master's degree |
Oil chemistry |
2 |
Master's degree |
Petroleum refining technology (Petroleum engineering) |
2 |
Master's degree |
doctoral degree |
PhD |
Oil chemistry |
3 |
PhD |
Doctor of science |
Oil chemistry |
3 |
doctor of science |
List of subjects
Bachelors degree
№ |
Subject name |
Subject type (compulsory and elective) |
050504- Oil chemistry |
1 |
Oil chemistry and petrochemical synthesis |
compulsory |
2 |
Chemical technology |
compulsory |
3 |
Chemical refining of oil feedstock |
elective |
4 |
Chemistry of heteroatomic compounds of oil |
elective |
050111- Chemistry teacher |
1 |
Chemical technology |
compulsory |
2 |
Oil chemistry and thermocatalytic transformations of hydrocarbons |
compulsory |
3 |
Ecology of the oil refining industry |
elective |
050641- Chemical engineering |
1 |
General chemical technology |
compulsory |
2 |
Processes and apparatus of the chemical industry |
compulsory |
3 |
Alternative fuel technology |
compulsory |
4 |
Chemical technology of inorganic substances |
compulsory |
5 |
Chemical cybernetics |
compulsory |
6 |
Commodity petrochemical products |
compulsory |
7 |
Technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis |
elective |
Master's degree
№ |
Subject name |
Subject type (compulsory and elective) |
060504 – Oil chemistry |
1 |
Environmental problems of the oil refining industry |
compulsory |
2 |
Obtaining pesticides based on petroleum products |
compulsory |
3 |
Modern physical methods in oil chemistry |
compulsory |
4 |
Synthesis of technically important compounds based on oil and gas. |
compulsory |
5 |
Scientific foundations of complex refining oil and gas |
compulsory |
6 |
Oil and gas refining abroad |
compulsory |
7 |
Chemistry of functionally substituted phenolic compounds |
compulsory |
8 |
Oil preparation for refining |
elective |
9 |
Kinetics and catalysis in oil refining and petrochemical synthesis |
elective |
10 |
Oil and gas refined products and improving their quality |
elective |
11 |
Thermodynamics of oil and gas refining processes |
elective |
060641 - Petroleum refining technology (Petroleum engineering) |
1 |
History and methodology of petroleum engineering |
compulsory |
2 |
Modern problems of petroleum engineering |
compulsory |
3 |
Modern physical analysis methods |
compulsory |
4 |
Organic sticking materials technology |
compulsory |
5 |
Lubricant production technology |
compulsory |
6 |
Catalysis in oil and gas refining processes |
compulsory |
7 |
Organic chemistry of alternative fuels |
compulsory |
8 |
Production processes of liquid hydrocarbon gases and equipments |
compulsory |
9 |
Processing of heavy oil feedstocks |
compulsory |
10 |
Oil chemistry and oil refining |
elective |
11 |
Synthesis of technically important compounds based on oil and gas. |
elective |
12 |
Mathematical modeling of chemical processes |
elective |
The department "Oil chemistry and chemical technology" adheres to the policy of quality assurance in the provision of services for educational programs. The policy of the department has an official status and is available to all participants in the educational process (the leadership of the university, institute, department; teaching staff, students) and external stakeholders (parents, employers, accreditation services). For this purpose, the department is actively working in various fields of science and education, establishing international relations with leading scientific and educational centers.
Department address: st. Zahid Khalilov-23, main building, office 158, department phone: +994 (012) 538-21-06