
Ağayev Mircavid

Telefon nömrəsi: (+99450)6402875

E-mail: [email protected]








12.04.1994-cü ildə Bakı ş. anadan olub.


2016 – 2018 – Magistr dərəcəsi, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Kimya Fakültəsi, İxtisas: Təbii və fizioloji fəal birləşmələr, "Yeni heterosiklik birləşmələrin sintezi və onların maqnit nanohissəcikləri ilə konjugatlarının tədqiqi" adlı dissertasiya.

01.02.2017 – 01.07.2017 – Erasmus tələbə mübadiləsi proqramı çərçivəsində Yıldız Texniki Universitetində magistraturanın bir semestri

2011 – 2015 – Bakalavr dərəcəsi, Bakı Dövlət Universiteti, Kimya Fakültəsi, İxtisas: Kimya.


21.02.2020 – bu günə qədər Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin Sənaye Kimyası tədqiqat laboratoriyasının kiçik elmi işçisi

23.12.2018 01.01.2020 – Şimal-şərq Ohio Tibb Universitetində tədqiqat üzrə təcrübə

Oktyabr 2018 – Dekabr 2018 – Bakı Dövlət Universitetinin “Zərif Üzvi Sintez” laboratoriyasının böyük laborantı


2015-2016 - orduda hərbi xidmət etmiş, aprel döyüşlərində iştirak etmişdir.

2020 - İkinci Qarabağ müharibəsində iştirak etmişdir.


  1. Sadana P., Lin L., Aghayev M., Ilchenko S., T. Kasumov., “Early Pro-Inflammatory Remodeling of HDL Proteome in a Model of Diet-Induced Obesity: 2H2O-Metabolic Labeling-Based Kinetic Approach”. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2020, 21(20), 7472
  2. A.M.Maharramov, M.A.Ramazanov, G.A.Guliyeva, A.E.Huseynzada, U.A.Hasanova, N.G.Shikhaliyev, G.M.Eyvazova, S.F.Hajiyeva, I.G.Mamedov, M.M.Aghayev; Synthesis, investigation of the new derivatives of dihydropyrimidines and determination of their biological activity. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017, 1141, p. 39-43.

Çapda olan məqalələr

  1. Arias-Alvarado A.,  Aghayev M., Ilchenko S., Rachdaoui N., Lepp J., Tsai T., Zhang G., Previs Stephen., Kasumov T., “Measuring Acetyl-CoA and Acetylated Histone Turnover  in vivo  : Effect of a High Fat Diet”. Analytical Biochemistry, 2020.

Rəyçi kimi təcrübə

2019 – Synthesis and Characterization of Natural Lanthanum Labelled DOTA-Peptides for Simulating Radioactive Ac-225 Labeling. Applied Radiation and Isotopes.

2018 –Synthesis, Characterization and Lipophilicity Study of Brucella Abortus' Immunogenic Peptide Sequence That Can Be Used in The Future Vaccination Studies. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics.


  1. Sarvinaz Hajiyeva, Konul Amraliyeva, Ulviyya Hasanova, Mirjavid Aghayev, 2020. Comparative study of scale inhibition ability of Schiff base and corresponding crown-ether, 9th Rostocker International Conference: “Technical Thermodynamics: Thermophysical Properties and Energy Systems”, Book of Abstracts THERMAM-2020, p.78, Rostock, Germany.
  2. Abel Maharramov, Alakbar Huseynzada, Ulviyya Hasanova, Zarema Gakhramanova, Mirjavid Aghayev, Sarvinaz Hajiyeva, Narmina Guliyeva, Ilaha Hasanova, Zulfiyya Yusifzade, Alibala Aliyev: Synthesis of new macroheterocycles as convenient chelators for drug delivery systems. Page 44, 7th Rostocker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, 2018, Rostock, GERMANY
  3. Abel Maharramov, Gunel Aliyeva, Alakbar Huseynzada, Zarema Gakhramanova, Namiq Shikhaliyev, Ilaha Hasanova, Mirjavid Aghayev, Sarvinaz Hajiyeva, Narmina Guliyeva, Alibala Aliyev: Synthesis and characterization of ni doped TIO2 nanoparticles and investigation of their photocatalytic activity. Page 87, 7th Rostocker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, 2018, Rostock, GERMANY
  4. Abel Maharramov, Alakbar Huseynzada, Mirjavid Aghayev, Sarvinaz Hajiyeva, Ilaha Hasanova, Narmina Guliyeva, Musgunaz Akhundova, Gunel Aliyeva, Jamil Aghasiyev: Synthesis of graphene oxide modified supramolecular ensembles and their application. Page 88, 7th Rostocker International Conference: “Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics”, 2018, Rostock, GERMANY
  5. А. М. Maharramov, N. A.Guliyeva, U. А. Hasanova, J. T. Safarov, M. M. Aghayev, E. P. Hassel, 2017. Ionic liquids, magnetite and graphene oxide based nanostructures for removal of heavy metals from wastewaters. Materials of the All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists, dedicated to the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Bashkortostan “Chemistry and technology of heterocyclic compounds”, p. 23-24
  6. A.M. Maharramov, Z.G. Mustafaeva, S. Derman Acar, M. A. Ramazanov, U.A. Hasanova, T. Arasoglu, B. Mansuroglu, M.M. Aghayev, S.F. Hajiyeva, 2017. The preparation of juglone nanostructures, coupled with magnetite nanoparticles, and investigation of their biological activity. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Chemistry of Coordination Compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician Aliyeva Rafiga Alirza, p.232
  7. Alibala Rasim Aliyev, Ulviyya Alimammad Hasanova, Alakbar Elman Huseynzada, Sarvinaz Faiq Hajiyeva, Mirjavid Mirqabil Aghayev, Narmina Artur Guliyeva, Ilaha Rauf Hasanova, 2017. Synthesis of dihidropyrimidine and its application as antimicrobial agents. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Chemistry of Coordination Compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician Aliyeva Rafiga Alirza, p. 137
  8. N.A. Guliyeva, U.А. Hasanova, J.T. Safarov, M.M.Aghayev, N.G. Shikhaliyev, E.P. Hassel, 2017. Synthesis and investigation of new magnetic hybrid nanostructures on the basis of graphene oxide and ionic liquid. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Chemistry of Coordination Compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician Aliyeva Rafiga Alirza, p. 245
  9. A.M. Maharramov, U. A. Hasanova, A.T. Huseynova, Z.O. Gakhramanova, N.A. Guliyeva, L.Z. Vezirova, M.M. Aghayev, A.E. Huseynzada, I.R. Hasanova, S.F. Hajiyeva, A.R. Aliyev, 2017. The investigation of the synthesis reaction of diazacrown ether on the basis of 2-hydroxybenzoyl chloride with diamine. Materials of the International Scientific Conference “Chemistry of Coordination Compounds: actual problems of analytical chemistry” dedicated to the 85th anniversary of Academician Aliyeva Rafiga Alirza, p. 103
  10. Abel Maharramov, Zeynep Mustafaeva, Mahammadali Ramazanov, Ulviyya Hasanova, Mirjavid Aghayev, Sarvinaz Hajiyeva, 2017. Role of Nanotechnology in Creation of Vaccines. Abstracts, 3rd International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies(IVEK), Istanbul, p.712
  11. Abel Maharramov, Zeynep Mustafaeva, Ulviyya Hasanova, Sarvinaz Hajiyeva, Mirjavid Aghayev, 2017. The advantages and disadvantages of different synthesis methods of liposomal nanovaccines. Abstracts, 3rd International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies(IVEK), Istanbul, p.1102
  12. Mirjavid Aghayev, Tayfun Acar, Alakbar Huseynzada, Abel Maharramov, Zeynep Mustafaeva,Ulviyya Hasanova, 2017. The Strategies of Preparation of Nanovaccines, Based on Virus-like Particles.Abstracts, 3rd International Convention of Pharmaceuticals and Pharmacies(IVEK),Istanbul, p.1103
  13. A.M.Maharramov, M.A.Ramazanov, G.A.Guliyeva, A.E.Huseynzada, U.A.Hasanova, N.G.Shikhaliyev, G.M.Eyvazova, S.F.Hajiyeva, I.G.Mamedov, M.M.Aghayev, (2017). Synthesis, investigation of the new derivatives of dihydropyrimidines and determination of their biological activity. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1141, p. 39-43.
  14. Mircavid M. Agayev (2014) Investigation of some alkenylphenol derivatives in solution by NMR, III School for young scientistsMagnetic Resonance and Magnetic Phenomena in Chemical and Biological Physics, Book of abstracts, Novosibirsk, p. 42

Cihaz və avadanlıqlarla işləmək üzrə peşəkar bacarıqlar (nümunə hazırlanması daxil olmaqla)

  1. Bruker FT NMR spectrometer Avance 300
  2. ThermoFisher Q Exactive MS and UltiMate 3000 HPLC system
  3. Agilent 7890A GS-MS system
  6. QuantaMaster Spectrofluorometer
  7. Liberty 1 Peptide Synthesis System


  1. CITI proqramının sertifikatları:

• Laboratoriya siçanlarında və siçovullarda ağrı və stresin azaldılması;

• Tədqiqatlarda siçanlarla iş;

• IACUC ilə iş.

  1. Rəyçi sertifikatı - Tətbiq olunan radiasiya və izotoplar, Elsevier, İyun, 2019.
  2. “English Communication for Healthcare Professionals: Course B”, Müvəffəqiyyət Sertifikatı, Georgia State University (ABŞ Dövlət Departamentinin sponsorluğu və FHI 360 tərəfindən idarə olunan amerikan ingilis dili (AE)  E-Müəllimi proqramı çərçivəsində), 28 Avqust 2020.




Digər yazılar

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